La eliminación biológica de fósforo se viene desarrollando desde finales de los años 50, en Suiza (Morse G.K. et al., 1997). Se basa en el desarrollo de microorganismos acumuladores de polifosfatos en ciertas condiciones, que acumulan en el interior celular el fósforo, eliminándolo del agua.
Biological phosphorus removal has been developing since the late 1950s, in Switzerland (Morse G.K. et al., 1997). Its based on polyphosphate accumulating microorganism growing under certain conditions. Those microorganisms accumulate phosphorus inside their cytosol, removing from the wastewater.
Es una tecnología que se basa en una modificación del proceso de fangos activos. Está ampliamente implantada, aunque requiere una configuración de planta más específica y una operación más compleja. Presenta la misma configuración que un sistema normal de fangos activos pero con un volumen anaerobio previo a la zona de aireación. El selector anaerobio recibe toda la carga orgánica del agua influente y el fósforo, la corriente pasa posteriormente a la zona aerobia (configuración A/O). No debe hacerse la recirculación interna al volumen anaerobio, ya que la presencia de nitratos permite a las bacterias heterótrofas desnitrificantes competir por el sustrato e inhiben.
It's a technology based on a modification of the activated sludge process. It's widely deployed but requires a more specific plant configuration and more complex operation. It has the same configuration as the activated sludge system, but before aeration zone it has an anaerobic volume. The anaerobic selector gets all the organic and phosphorus load of influent water, it flows then to the aerobic zone (configuration A/O). Recirculation current shouldn't be recirculated into the anaerobic volume, cause the presence of nitrates enables heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria to compete for the substrate and inhibit PAO's growing.
It's a technology based on a modification of the activated sludge process. It's widely deployed but requires a more specific plant configuration and more complex operation. It has the same configuration as the activated sludge system, but before aeration zone it has an anaerobic volume. The anaerobic selector gets all the organic and phosphorus load of influent water, it flows then to the aerobic zone (configuration A/O). Recirculation current shouldn't be recirculated into the anaerobic volume, cause the presence of nitrates enables heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria to compete for the substrate and inhibit PAO's growing.
Los microorganismos responsables de la eliminación del fósforo son conocidos por PAO (Poliphosphate Accumulating Organisms). Han evolucionado para obtener una ventaja competitiva respecto al resto de microorganismos heterótrofos. La configuración descrita potencia esa ventaja competitiva respecto a las bacterias heterótrofas comunes, y es que dado que éstas últimas son dependientes de la presencia de aceptores de electrones como nitratos u oxígeno para realizar su actividad metabólica, en la zona anaerobia del reactor biológico no pueden desarrollarse.
The microorganisms responsible for the removal of phosphorus are known by PAO (Poliphosphate Accumulating Organisms). They have evolved to gain a competitive advantage over other heterotrophic microorganisms. The described plant configuration let them a competitive advantage over common heterotrophic bacteria. The common heterotrophic bacteria depend on the presence of electron acceptors such as nitrate or oxygen for their metabolic activity, and the anaerobic area prevents that activity.
Las PAOs presentan la peculiaridad de que son capaces de acumular ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV, como si dijeramos "comida") de manera intracelular en condiciones anaerobias, aunque este proceso requiere de una fuente de energía. La energía utilizada proviene de la oxidación del glucógeno y de los polifosfatos (PoliP) que tienen acumulados en su interior celular. Así que en el selector anaerobio destruyen glucógeno y PoliP y sueltan fosfatos (P), para obtener la energía suficiente que les permite acumular AGV. Cuanto más se llenan de AGV, más podrán crecer en condiciones "desfavorables". Es lo que ocurre cuando estas bacterias pasan a condiciones aerobias. Cuando la flujo las arrastra a la parte aerobia del reactor se encuentran con que las heterótrofas "comen y crecen" más rápido que las PAO. En este momento las PAO, comienzan a consumir sus reservas internas de comida, de modo que no compiten por el sustrato que hay en el exterior. Esa comida, o AGV, la utilizan para dos cosas principalmente, para regenerar Glucógeno y PoliP, para lo que absorben del medio ingentes cantidades de fosfatos, y para crecer y multiplicarse. La relación de DQO fácilmente asimilable / fósforo total debe ser de como mínimo de 10, aunque relaciones muy elevadas promueven el desarrollo de bacterias GAO, competidoras de las PAO por los AGV.
The PAOs have the peculiarity that they are able to accumulate volatile fatty acids (VFA, we say "food") intracellularly under anaerobic conditions, although this process requires a source of energy. The energy used comes from the glycogen oxidation and polyphosphates (polyP) that have accumulated inside cell. So in the anaerobic selector they destroy Glycogen and PoliP and release phosphates (P) to obtain the energy that allows them to accumulate VFA. The more they fill with VFA, the more they will grow under "unfavorable" conditions. It happens when these bacteria are in aerobic conditions. When they are in aerobic part of the reactor they find that heterotrophic "eat and grow" faster than PAO. In aerobic conditions PAOs start using their internal food reserves, so they don't compete for the remaining substrate. That food is used mainly for a couple processes, regenerating PoliP and Glycogen, (they absorb great amount of phosphate from the medium), and to grow and multiply. The ratio of readily assimilable COD / total phosphorus, must be at least 10, although very high ratios promote GAO bacterial growth, competitors of the PAOS by VFA.
The PAOs have the peculiarity that they are able to accumulate volatile fatty acids (VFA, we say "food") intracellularly under anaerobic conditions, although this process requires a source of energy. The energy used comes from the glycogen oxidation and polyphosphates (polyP) that have accumulated inside cell. So in the anaerobic selector they destroy Glycogen and PoliP and release phosphates (P) to obtain the energy that allows them to accumulate VFA. The more they fill with VFA, the more they will grow under "unfavorable" conditions. It happens when these bacteria are in aerobic conditions. When they are in aerobic part of the reactor they find that heterotrophic "eat and grow" faster than PAO. In aerobic conditions PAOs start using their internal food reserves, so they don't compete for the remaining substrate. That food is used mainly for a couple processes, regenerating PoliP and Glycogen, (they absorb great amount of phosphate from the medium), and to grow and multiply. The ratio of readily assimilable COD / total phosphorus, must be at least 10, although very high ratios promote GAO bacterial growth, competitors of the PAOS by VFA.
Las especies de bacterias que se engloban en acumuladoras de polifosfatos son: Actinobacteria, Rhodocyclus spp. (llamada Accumulibacter phosphatis por Hesselman et al. 1999), y Propionibacter pelophilus. (Crocetti et al., 2000). La taxonomía es muy compleja y dentro de las Betaproteobacterias, Rhodocyclus ahora se considera grupo, y no género. Así, hoy día la especie más estudiada es la Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis. Es muy recomendable para saber más sobre ésta especie el artículo de He S. et al., 2011, "Microbiology of 'Candidatus Accumulibacter' in activated sludge". En la imagen inferior detección comparativa mediante marcadores de fosforescencia (método FISH) para Eubacteria-PAO.
The bacteria species included in group of polyphosphates accumulators are: Actinobacteria, Rhodocyclus spp. (called Accumulibacter phosphatis by Hesselman et al. 1999) and Propionibacter pelophilus. (Crocetti et al., 2000). The taxonomy is very complex and within Betaproteobacterias, Rhodocyclus is now considered as a group, not genus. So, today the most studied specie is the Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis. For learning more about them I highly recommend the article I S. et al., 2011, "Microbiology of 'Candidatus Accumulibacter' in activated sludge." In the image below, comparative using detection phosphorescence markers (FISH method) for Eubacteria-PAO.
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